Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Challenge for you

What was your New Year's resolution? Have you kept with it? Do you even remember what it was going to be?

Normally, I don't think about the new year and resolutions and I surely don't pick out something to change in my life. This year, though I did make a resolution. My resolution was to knit more for myself. Something that seems silly and simple, but with two children and so many cute things I could make for them, I was always putting my own projects last. So I forced myself to knit for me. I started with some socks. Once I focused on that small part of me, I realized I was doing the same with my health that I was doing for knitting. Putting myself last. I make a ton of aromatherapy, facial and body products, but did I actually take the time to use them myself? No, I realized I wasn't actually taking the time to take care of me. So my resolution grew.

Since then I've addressed two medical issues that shouldn't have been put off and I'm starting to feel like myself again. It wasn't until I started feeling better that I realized that I was so run down before. So what did my resolution grow to? Taking care of ALL of me. It struck me that I'm no good to my husband and children if I'm careful to take care of me.

Aside from medical issues, I've also been forcing myself to take time to pamper my skin, and my hair and also take time for myself during the day. I take an extra couple of minutes in the shower to scrub my feet and let my hair soak in some extra moisture.

It is one of the most difficult challenges I've ever taken on. Who knew that taking time for myself would be so hard? My challenge to you is to take that extra 5-20 minutes each day to pamper yourself. Take a bath once in a while. Take a walk alone with only your own thoughts to keep you company. Start small with one thing at a time and after a few months, you'll really appreciate the time you took for you. I'm in a better frame of mind, nicer to those around me, and more patient with life in general just from taking that 20 minutes each day to do SOMETHING for me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A New Creation!!

I've taken a sabbatical to modify and improve old products, and work on some new products. I just finished the first of my new creations. Can anyone guess what it is?

A new line of bentonite clay skin masque!!! I've been brainstorming, testing, and perfecting this for awhile now and I'm ready to offer it to my customers! :)
I'll be stocking both my Hyenacart and Etsy stores this week so be on the lookout. There will be blends for acne prone, sensitive, dry, normal and oily skin, all utilizing the healing of essential oils along with this amazing clay!
This would be perfect in a Mother's Day gift basket. Give a special mother in your life a kid-free evening of pampering herself and taking care of her body's biggest organ!